The Results of Dynamometry in Assessing the Mechanical Strength of Scar Tissue with Different Options for Surgical Wound Closure

H. Zhurakovska, V. Malanchuk Bogomolets National Medical University Introduction. Scar formation in the area of traumatic skin damage is a heterogeneous process and is characterized by the presence of certain biomechanical (elasticity, tensile strength, tensile strength) and morphological (healing by primary tension, secondary tension, under a scab, complicated wounds) features that may not simply affect Read More …

Effectiveness of Complex Medical Treatment Using L-carnitine and Dapagliflozin in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Comorbid Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

M. Shved, R. Ovsiychuk Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University Introduction.Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have a 2-fold increased risk of coronary heart disease, and the risk of death from it is 2-4 times higher than in patients without carbohydrate metabolism disorders. The reason for such negative trends is considered to be the Read More …

The difference of anxiety, depression and cortisol levels in patients with acute and chronic vertebrogenic lumbosacral pain syndrome

A. Payenok, A. Kulyk Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Introduction. Pain is classified as acute and chronic. Acute pain implies a painful condition with a rapid onset or of a short course, whereas chronic pain is referred to as a painful condition persisting beyond the normal time of healing. Chronic low back pain has Read More …

The Relationships between the Problems with Somatic Health in Preschool Children and Disorders of Psychomotor Development

А. Pushnyk, S. Niankovskyy Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Introduction. Multiple studies show the presence of interconnection between co-morbidity and psychomotor development disorders in children. The aim of the study. To identify the relationships between the problems with somatic health in preschool children (3-7 years old) and disorders of their psychomotor development. Materials and Read More …

Classification and Ranking of Factors Affecting the Quality of Tactile Perception of L. Braille Font by Blind People

M. Havenko1, M. Labetska2, V. Korotka3 1Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital 2Ukrainian Academy of Printing 3Andrei Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy Introduction. In the process of educational and work activities, blind people mostly use tactile sensitivity to perceive information, the presentation of which is mainly realized in a six-dot format according to the well-known Braille system. The Read More …

Peculiarities of Bone Mineral Density in Men with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Frequency and Nature of Disorders; Content in Blood Serum of Metabolic Indicators of Synthesis and Resorption of Bone Tissue, Vitamin D; Reliable Factors Involved in its Violations

O. Pavliuk1, L. Marynych1, L. Denishchich1, I. Kuvikova2, O. Shevchuk1 1National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya 2Research Institute of Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya Introduction. Decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and the development of osteoporosis are common and poorly understood complications of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Increased bone turnover and Read More …

Modern Principles of Treatment of Genital Herpes in Women (Literature; review; Results of Own Research)

L. Markin, O. Matvienko, O. Korytko Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Introduction. Recently, much attention has been paid to the problem of new approaches in the treatment of genital herpes in women. The problem is extremely important, because this genital infection is very common in the world. The main types of genital infection are Read More …

Daily Being and Edible Products for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden – the First Model of a Healthy Lifestyle According to God’s Instructions (Intelligence Based on the Results of Reading the Book of Genesis from the Holy Scriptures)

V. Ruden’ Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Introduction. An axiom for current spiritual life of a person is the fact that since the fall of Adam and Eve in Eden, a certain evolution in the social life of people caused gradual shortening of their lifespan. With this regard an attempt was made to figure Read More …

Predictors of Predicting Cardiovascular Events and Other Complications of the Blood Flow System in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (Literature Review and Results of Own Research)

V. Denesyuk, O. Barska National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya Introduction. More than 15 million cases of AMI are recorded annually in the world, and in Ukraine in 2017 – 41.786 cases. Undoubtedly, acute coronary syndrome (ACS) manifests various complications of blood flow. At the same time, in such patients, significantly fewer works are devoted Read More …

Criteria for Predicting Cardiovascular Events with Holter Electrocardiogram Monitoring (Literature Review and Results of own Research) in Patients with Heart Disease

V. Denesyuk, O. Barska, Yu. Shushkovska National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya Introduction. This review is devoted to the current state of knowledge regarding the clinical value of Holter electrocardiogram monitoring to identify predictors of predicting future adverse cardiovascular events. The aim of the study. Based on the study of modern sources and the results Read More …