Anxious-depressive Disorders in Patients with Syndrome Chronic Venous Cerebral Dysfunction and Various Levels of Blood Pressu

O. Kovalenko1, N. Prityko2 1Shupyk National Medical Academy, Kyiv 2Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise”Consulting and Diagnostic Centre” of Sviatoshynskyi District, Kyiv Introduction. The syndrome of chronic venous cerebral dysfunction (SCVCD) – widely studied at present nosology. In the presence of anxiety-depressed disorders, this disease is complicated. Specific clinical manifestations of SCVCD, as pronounced practical experience, are found Read More …

Depression аnd Cardiovascular Diseases: Cause, Consequence оr Comorbidity

O. Katerenchuk Poltava Regional Clinical Cardiological Dispensary The Cardiological Department of Urgent Consultation Service Introduction. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Report currently more than 350 million people in the world suffer from clinically significant anxiety and depressive disorders and this number is expected to grow. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Read More …