Lviv clinical bulletin 2021, 3(35)-4(36): 58-64

Bath for Underwater Horizontal Polysegmental Kinesitraction Treatment of the Spine and Lower Extremities Lesions, Methods of Its Use

B. Panarin1, O. Abrahamovych2, U. Abrahamovych2, O. Fayura2, R. Ivanochko2, M. Zavadka3 

1Lviv State University of Physical Culture

2Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

3Network of medical opticians «Optometrist»

Introduction. Traction in dynamic mode (kinesitraction) is a new direction protected by patents of Ukraine, which combines the procedure of traction and motor activity. Traction treatment of the spine in a dynamic mode plays an important role in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, so it is important to understand the structure, mechanisms and features of the structures involved in these processes, including the bath developed by us.

The aim of the study. To acquaint with a design of a bath for underwater horizontal polysegmental kinesitraction treatment of the spine and lower extremities lesions, methods of its use.

Materials and methods. Content analysis, method of system and comparative analysis, bibliosemantic method of studying the actual scientific researches on baths’ designs for underwater horizontal polysegmental kinesitraction treatment of the spine and lower extremities lesions, methods of its use are used. Sources are searched in scientometric databases: PubMed, Medline, Springer, Google Scholar, Research Gate by tags: kinesitraction, musculoskeletal system, underwater horizontal treatment of the spine, traction, traction system. 22 English and Ukrainian literary sources which describe this problem were selected and analyzed. The description of the bath for underwater horizontal segmental traction treatment of the spine and lower extremities lesions in the dynamic mode was used (Certificate of copyright registration for a scientific work N 99985, 25.10.2020).

Results. The designed by us bath for underwater polysegmental kinesitraction treatment of lesions of the spine and lower extremities (Certificate of registration of copyright to a scientific work N 99985, 2020) is intended for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, disorders of vital systems in the aquatic environment by exposure to dosed motor and traction loads. The design includes a water bath, armrests, handles, footrest, racks, cervical block system, chest block system, lumbar block system, head restraint belt, chest strap, pelvic girdle, shin strap, cable, load. Using a bath it is possible to carry out tractions of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine, their combinations, lower extremities, or total provide the traction.

Conclusions. Traction treatment of the spine in a dynamic mode plays an important role in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, being more effective than static. The understanding of the structure, methods and features of the structures involved in these processes, including our developed baths for underwater horizontal polysegmental hydrokinesitraction treatment of lesions of the spine and lower extremities, based on the correction of disorders of the nervous, musculoskeletal systems caused by morphological, biochemical, physiological mechanisms of stimulation of the functions of vital systems, regeneration processes, and the proposed methods of their use is an important component of effective treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


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