V. Denesyuk, O. Barska
National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya
Introduction. More than 15 million cases of AMI are recorded annually in the world, and in Ukraine in 2017 – 41.786 cases. Undoubtedly, acute coronary syndrome (ACS) manifests various complications of blood flow. At the same time, in such patients, significantly fewer works are devoted to predictors of other complications of the cardiovascular system.
The aim of the study. Write a literature review and include the results of own research on predictors of predicting cardiovascular events and other complications of the blood flow system in ACS.
Materials and methods. We used 49 published articles and our own research results on the study of predictors of predicting cardiovascular events and other complications of the blood flow system after undergoing ACS. The results of our own research are presented in a complex algorithm for predicting SCD in cardiovascular pathology, and our own criteria for cardiovascular events are given.
Results. It has been proven that an increase in the thickness of the LV wall in patients with hypertension can be associated with an almost 7-fold increase in the risk of death. In our opinion, LVH in STEMI in combination with hypertension has a negative impact on the development of cardiovascular events. The development of pathological remodeling of the LV leads to further dilatation, deformation of the walls and cavities of the heart, a progressive decrease in the inotropic function of the LV with the development of congestive heart failure. Some authors suggest prognostic predictors of the development of acute left ventricular failure. The prognostic role of endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular events is poorly understood.
Conclusions. In recent years, predictors of the development of cardiovascular events (death, non-fatal MI, stroke, UA), as well as such complications of the blood flow system as acute left ventricular failure, progression of heart failure, development of VE 3-5 grades according to Laun have been established in patients with a transferred STEMI and UA in recent years , severe heart blocks with the occurrence of syncopal states. According to our data, clinical, ECG, and echocardiographic diagnostic criteria are predictors of cardiovascular events. The specified predictors of cardiovascular events and various complications of the blood flow system after a STEMI and UA need to be taken into account by cardiologists, emergency physicians, and family physicians in their practice and to carry out therapeutic measures aimed at preventing their occurrence in patients.
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