Bone Tissue Remodeling Features in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Depending on the Degree of Bone Tissue Mineral Density Reduction

U. Abrahamovych Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Introduction. Osteoporosis is a systemic disease of the skeleton characterized by a decrease in bone mass and a violation of the microarchitectonics of bone tissue, which leads to increased bone fragility and fractures. Today, osteoporosis is one of the priority health problems due to the high prevalence Read More …

Characteristics of Bone System Condition in Children from Clean and Polluted Regions by Indexes of Ultrasound Densitometry

N. Kech State Institution “Institute of Hereditary Pathology of NAMS of Ukraine”, Lviv Introduction. In the opinion of scientists, the thyroid gland occupies the first place by the degree of sensitivity to the action of the negative influence of xenobiotics in a child’s organism then – the liver, lungs, kidneys and bone system. Various organs and systems are responsible for anthropogenic Read More …