Sleep Disorders and Risk Factors of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Hypertensive Patients with Obesity in the Practice of Physician-Internist

O. Radchenko, N. Bek, I. Zvorska, R. Mykulynets Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Introduction. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – a condition accompanied repeated, stop of breathing due to complete (apnea) or partial (hypopnea) narrowing of the airways during sleep at throat and termination of pulmonary ventilation with preserved respiratory effort which appears snoring, reduced Read More …

Evolution of the Target Blood Pressure in Diabetes. Analysis of International Experience

M. Shymon Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv Introduction. In economically developed countries, diabetes is ranked fourth  in the ranking of the most common causes of death. It is known that 75.0 % of complications of diabetes mellitus (DH) due to cardiovascular or kidney damage are due to arterial hypertension (AH), which is twice as likely Read More …

Sleep Disorders and Risk Factors of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Hypertensive Patients with Obesity in the Practice of Physician-Internist

O. Radchenko, N. Bek, I. Zvorska, R. Mykulynets Overview of the literature on clinical signs and diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea has been made, and the results of the examination of 41 patients with hypertension stage II, 1–3 degree and 1 degree obesity have been presented. Patients with complaints of snoring, according to the survey, Read More …