Lviv clinical bulletin 2023, 2(42): 8-16

Mortality Among the Population of Ukraine in 30 Years (1991-2021) as an Irrevocable Loss of Human Resource

V. Ruden

Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Introduction. In the process of reproduction of the population in the earthly period of the population’s life, death, which “… spread to all people” since the fall of Adam and Eve, did not escape the population of independent Ukraine at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, where, according to the report of the United Nations Organisation (2021): “…the population of Ukraine is shrinking at one of the fastest rates in the world.”

The aim of the study. To investigate the characteristics of mortality among the population of Ukraine over the past 30 years (1991-2021) in the context of its impact on the irreversible loss of human resources.

Materials and methods. An epidemiological, single-moment, continuous, prospective research was carried out using the biostatistical data of the database of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and the World Health Organization Global Health Observatory for 1991-2021, using the Microsoft Office Excel (2021) computer package while applying several scientific medical biostatistical methods taking into consideration the systematicity principles.

Results. It is proved that in the process of depopulation in Ukraine, where mortality exceeds birth rate by Р = 63.2 % (n = 1.6 times), significant features in the number of deaths in Ukraine during the analyzed years are their quantitative growth by Р = 6.6 % or n = 44 303 cases, as well as an increase in deaths rate among urban residents by n = 1.5 times, as well as of female gender (by Р = 1.1 ± 0.1 %), and those aged 60 years and older, with the age structure index P = 75.3 ± 0.9 % with a simultaneous decrease in the population of Ukraine by P = 20.1 % or n = 10 451 713 people.

Conclusions. A high mortality rate (Р = 18.5 ‰) was established among the population of  Ukraine, which, is confirmed by the data of the United Nations Organization report (2021), when “… the population of Ukraine is decreasing at one of the fastest rates in the world”. To reduce mortality among the population, the state of Ukraine should immediately develop and implement at the all-state, regional, and local levels several targeted programs to overcome the demographic crisis and achieve sustainable demographic development with the normalization of reproduction processes and the improvement of the quality of life of the population, preservation and restoration of the existing human resource of vital, economic, social, labor, moral and political, military and defense potential of the state.


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