Lviv clinical bulletin 2021, 3(35)-4(36): 98-99

In Bright Memory of Eugenia Khomivna Zaremba

In Bright Memory of Eugenia Khomivna Zaremba

(20.03.1935 – 07.09.2021)

On March 20, 2021 the 86th birth anniversary and 62 years of medical, scientific, pedagogical, and social activities of Eugenia Khomivna Zaremba – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine, Honored Professor of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University were marked.

Yevheniya Khomivna Zaremba was born on March 20, 1935, in the Rzhyshchiv village, Berestechko (now Gorokhiv) district, Volyn region. In 1959 she graduated with honors from the Medical Faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (LSMI). From 1959 to 1970 she worked as a physician at Lviv Hospital Nodal Hospital. From 1962 till 1964 she studied in the clinical residency at the Faculty Therapy Department at LSMI. In 1968 she defended her dissertation on the topic: “Corticosteroid therapy using the method of variable ‘hormonal vacuum”. From September 1970 till July 1976 – Assistant Professor of Faculty Therapy Department, and from July 1976 to January 1984 – Associate Professor of Hospital Therapy Department at LSMI.

In October 1983, she was appointed as Head of the Department of Therapy N 2 of Physicians and Pharmacists Advanced Training Faculty of LSMI, and in January 1984 was elected by competition for this position. Head of the Department of Family Medicine from 1983 to 2005.

In 1988, E. H. Zaremba defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The use of intermittent treatment with glucocorticoids and insulin in therapeutic patients”. In 1989 she was awarded the title of professor. From 1993 to 1996 she was the dean of the Physicians and Pharmacists Advanced Training Faculty. From 2001 to 2005 he was a member of the expert commission of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine on the specialty ‘Internal Medicine’. In December 2004, she was elected an Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine. Since 2005 – Professor of Family Medicine Department at Faculty of Postgraduate Education.

In November 1995, the Department of Therapy N 2 was reorganized into the Department of Family Medicine, which became the first educational and methodological center for the organization and implementation of family medicine in Ukraine. The department initiated the development of family medicine in Ukraine and organized the first Association of Family Physicians of the Lviv region, took an active part in the organization of the Association of Family Practitioners of Ukraine and its accession to the World (WONCA) and the European Organization.

To start the family medicine in Ukraine, E. H. Zaremba studied the experience of many countries around the world: the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Finland, and others.

Academician E. H. Zaremba is the founder of the first Department of Family Medicine in Ukraine and the Association of Family Practitioners of Lviv region. Under her leadership, the concept of family medicine, curricula, programs, and guidelines for practical and seminar classes of specialization for students, re-certification, thematic improvement, and interns studies in specialties: general practice – family medicine, therapy, cardiology, emergency cardiology, rheumatology, emergency medicine were developed. With her participation and editing, several textbooks were published: “Biosphere, nutrition, health” (1982), “Alphabet ofnutrition. Therapeutic Nutrition” (1991), “Selected Issues ofCardiology for Family Practitioners” (2004, 2007), “Non-Traditional Therapies in the Practice ofFamily Practitioners” (2010), “Cardiology for Family Practitioners” (2012), “Menopause: Interdisciplinary Aspects” (2012), “Skin Signs of Internal and Infectious Diseases in the Practice of Family Medicine” (2014), encyclopedia “Family Medicine” in five volumes (2009) and others.

Main areas of research: diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism; study of connective tissue dysplasia, systemic autoimmune diseases, respiratory diseases, endocrine pathology, blood clotting system, heart rate variability, immune reactivity, and adrenal cortex function; application of magnetic therapy, ozone therapy, endogenous respiration, amaranth oil in medicine. A new method of treatment with glucocorticoids and insulin in patients with systemic connective tissue diseases has been also developed.

E. H. Zaremba was the Honorary President of the Association of Family Practitioners of Ukraine and Lviv region, member of the world, European and domestic organizations – European and World Organizations of Family Medicine and General Practice, European Society of Cardiology, Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine, Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society.

For many years E. H. Zaremba was a board member of the Therapeutic Society of Ukraine, chairman of the Lviv Regional Society of Cardiology (since 1985), and editor-in-chief of the journal “Practical Medicine” (1996-2000), editorial board member of several professional journals “Ukrainian Journal of Cardiology”, “Ukrainian Rheumatological Journal”, “Family Medicine”, “Family Medicine and Family Nurse”, “The Practitioner”, “Lviv Clinical Bulletin”) and specialized journal for internists “Medical Affairs” (Minsk, Belarus).

For a long time, E. H. Zaremba headed the Lviv regional branch of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, and was also a member of the coordinating council of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on family medicine, an expert commission of the Health Department of the regional state administration; took an active part in the work of specialized scientific councils – at the P. L. Shupyk National University of Health of Ukraine (specialty “Internal Medicine”), Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (specialty “Internal Medicine” and “Cardiology”).

She was awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2007, 2010), “For many years of hard work, significant personal contribution to health development, high professionalism, dedication, active citizenship and on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of family medicine in Ukraine” (2013); honorary award of “Duke Volodymyr the Great” (2007); “Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise” (2007); thanks of the Committee on Folk and Alternative Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for participation in the scientific-practical conference “Health and Longevity” (2007, 2008), for organizing and conducting the conference within the international exhibition “Galmed: Health and Longevity” (2008 , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014), Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (2009); diplomas for the work “Family Medicine” (2008), for the general edition of the work “Selected Issues of Cardiology for Family Doctors” (2009), the presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine for the work “Family Medicine”. V. 3. (2012); medals of Academician M. D. Strazhesko (2009), “For Successes in Scientific and Pedagogical Activitiesv (2012), “20 years of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine” (2012), “For merits” (2013), “Medal of Ivan Pulyuy” (2013 ); thanks from the city administration (2015), diploma from the Rector’s Office (2015), diploma of the Department of Health of the Lviv Regional State Administration (2015), diploma of Uzhhorod National University and the Association of Family Practitioners of Zakarpattya region (2015), thanks from the President of the Ukrainian Family Medicine Association 2015).

E. H. Zaremba is the author of 1,067 publications, most of which are devoted to cardiology, rheumatology, and endocrinology. Among them are the monographs, scientific manuals, and dictionaries – 51, 28 methodical recommendations, 19 patents, 3 certificates of state registration of copyright to a work, 2 copyright certificates, 23 information letters, 15 proposals. Under her supervision 4 doctoral and 25 PhD dissertations were defended.

Academician E. H. Zaremba was known as an excellent organizer, clinician, scientist, experienced teacher, doctor of the highest qualification category in the specialties “cardiology”, “therapy”, “general practice – family medicine”. She was characterized by a love to work and knowledge, unbridled creative search, humanity, sensitivity, modesty. Due to the correctness, endurance, friendliness, demanding of themselves and employees, high professionalism, organizational skills, she enjoyed a well-deserved authority among colleagues.