Lviv clinical bulletin 2015, 2(10)-3(11): 65-66

In bright memory of Iryna Horbas’

The members of the Specialized Scientific Council D 35.600.05 of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv and Volyn’ Associations of Cardiology, staff of the Department of Family Medicine, personnel of Lviv Regional State Clinical Diagnostic Cardiology Centre extend their deepest condolences to the family on the death of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Population Research of NSC “M. D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology” Horbas’ Iryna Mykhaylivna, who passed away on August 22, 2015, aged 61, after a serious illness.

Horbas’ Iryna Mykhaylivna was born on April 23, 1955 in Kiev, graduated from A. A. Bogomolets National Medical Institute with honors in 1978. Since 1978 till December 2005 she worked at the NSC “M. D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology” of NAS of Ukraine as junior, senior, leading researcher, since 2005 – as a Head of the Department of Population Research.

In 1984 she defended her thesis entitled “Study of the Dynamics of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors During the Regular Dosage of Walking”, and in 1996 – her doctoral thesis entitled “Epidemiology of Coronary Heart Disease Among the Rural Population of Ukraine and the Organizational-methodological Aspects of Its Prevention” on specialty “Cardiology”. In 2010 she was awarded the title of Professor.

Iryna Mykhaylivna Horbas’ was the member of the Specialized Scientific Council of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University since November 13, 2006. During this period she was the opponent of 10 PhD and 1 doctoral thesis. The members of the Specialized Scientific Council met with Iryna Mykhaylivna for the last time on January 29, 2015 at the meeting of the Scientific Council, where she was opposing the thesis defense.

I. M. Horbas’ was the initiator of the introduction of cardiological epidemiological studies in Ukraine. With her participation was organized and held the first in Ukraine epidemiological study of the prevalence of coronary heart disease using strictly standardized methods, was defined the connection of coronary heart disease with certain factors of the external and internal environment. Her scientific works have become the justification for the practical recommendations for the prevention and detection of early forms of cardiovascular diseases.

Since 1994 she was actively participating in the conducting of the international WHO project “National Program of Noninfectious Diseases Integrated Prevention” (CINDI) in Ukraine.

I. M. Horbas’ was the contributor to the “Program of Prevention and Treatment of Arterial Hypertension in Ukraine”, approved by the Decree of President of Ukraine since February 4, 1999. As a member of Coordinating Council on implementation of the “Program” was actively involved in its realization, that embodied in the organizational-methodical and lecture work, publications in scientific and popular issues, preparing the recommendations for the implementation of the “Program”.

The results of the scientific work of I. M. Horbas’ have been constantly implemented in public health practice, through the participation in national and international forums and publishing. She is the author of 359 scientific works, hauled an intensive work in preparing the scientific personnel, prepared 7 PhD and 1 Doctor of Medical Sciences.

She actively participated in organization and conducting of the scientific conferences in Ukraine, international multicenter scientific studies, repeatedly presented the scientific reports at international congresses on the problems of cardiology.

I. M. Horbas’ was a member of the Working Group on arterial hypertension of Ukrainian Association of Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology and Specialized Scientific Council. She earned the recognition and respect of the colleagues and patients due to high efficiency, commitment to the profession, strict adherence to moral values.

For the significant contributions to the development of the scientific research on the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in Ukraine, the development and introduction the effective methods of the diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular diseases into the medical practice, training of the scientific personnel and professionalism, she was awarded the Diploma of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, dedicated to her 60th birthday.

The bright memory of Iryna Mykhaylivna Horbas’ will forever remain in the hearts of the colleagues, students, friends, all who had the good fortune to meet this intelligent, sensitive, modest, kind and outstanding woman.