On the Necessity of Development of the Criteria of Professional Suitability of the Workers with Arterial Hypertension

N. Grechkivska

The problem of cardiovascular diseases is one of the most important in medical science and practical public health. The most urgent problem of hypertension is in groups of working population suffering from the harmful factors of production environment and labor process such as noise, vibration, harmful industrial climate and so on.

To develop a criteria for professional competence of employees with hypertension working under the harmful and dangerous factors of production environment and labor process.

Were defined the criteria for professional competence of employees with hypertension to work in harmful and hazardous production conditions considering the general health provisions (Annex 6 to n. 2. 15) of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine number 246 of 21 May 2007 “On approval of the medical examination of certain categories of workers”. The analysis of the general and occupational morbidity was held on the results of the periodic medical examinations of workers in hazardous and dangerous conditions of Kyiv.

The dynamics of the occupational diseases in the enterprises of Kyiv shows that in recent years there was a decrease of occupational diseases which is consistent with the general trend in Ukraine. General diseases were diagnosed in 30,5 % of employees. The analysis of the total morbidity of workers in Kyiv in recent years shows that the largest share of the identified diseases are the cardiovascular diseases (39,63 %). In order to prevent the occupational diseases, the emergence of industrial-caused diseases and increase the severity of common diseases, order number 246–2007 specifies a list of general medical criteria of non-admission to work in hazardous and dangerous conditions of production and labor process. These common diseases and amendments thereto (Annex 4 and 5), which are presented to each item of harm and danger to certain categories of workers and became the basis for determining them as proficiency criteria.

Under the results of medical examinations of certain categories of workers in Kyiv it was found that the largest share among the identified common diseases occupy the cardiovascular diseases. Was determined the suitability of an employee with arterial hypertension to the profession in harmful and dangerous production conditions, using the criteria of professional competence pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No 246 of May 21, 2007. In order to prevent and reduce the risk of general, production conditioning and occupational diseases it is necessary to follow the sanitary requirements governing the permitted levels of hazards and dangerous factors in the workplace.